In My Time of (Symbolic) Dying:
Doing the Work of Letting Go
- Allow yourself to feel the feelings. The Anger. The Sorrow. And whatever else comes.
- Bargaining (a la Kubler-Ross) is another name for Storytelling. Some of this you’ll need to do alone in your head, but also wise to do this on paper and aloud with others.
- Express the losses or wounds creatively. Music. Art. Journaling. Movement.
Embody the feelings!
- Tell your story to others and find support in similar stories already told: books, movies, myths – whatever resonates.
- Spend time alone in nature – alone, though with a circle of people to whom you return.
- Fully express your feelings – shouting, singing, dancing, crying. Self-expression creates
- Ask the natural world to hold you and to offer an honest mirror.
- Is there Guilt or Remorse about a relational wound that’s part of this evolving storyline?
- If so, do a Death Lodge ceremony in nature to help complete old relationships – helping to heal old wounds that might encumber the rebirth to come. (See The Final Crossing: Learning to Die in Order to Live to learn more about the Death Lodge).
- Don’t get caught in the trap of Shame. Don’t isolate. This is how real Depression kicks in.
Ask for help!
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